Peak Three BONUS - (31 or 48 min) 9/21/21


“Peak Three BONUS” follows the formula:

  • 3 different movements (plyometric, isometric and vinyasa flow) in each sequence

  • 3 complete sequences - once on both sides

  • The BONUS is repeating the entire HIIT Yoga portion TWICE

  • If you wish to do a shorter class, you’ll only do ONE round of HIIT - stop when I give you the verbal cue at 21:00 and skip to abs at 38:00

Props: light weights, yoga blocks and a mini-resistance band


Here’s the class breakdown:

Warm-up: start-4:45

1st round HIIT Yoga: 4:45-21:15

2nd round HIIT Yoga: 21:15-38:00

Abs: 38:00-42:00

Cool-down/rest: 42:00-end


Spotify Playlist: Peak_Flashback

Peak PowerAlison Ahmoye