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*Empowered Flow (Fri. 7am PST)
Full library of videos on-demand:
*Empowered Flow (4 new classes weekly)
*Peak Power (HIIT Yoga)
*Breath-work & meditation sessions
*Functional Mobility sessions
*Kids Yoga classes
One complimentary 30-minute 1:1 Virtual Session
50% discount on Handstand Training Program
Discounted 1:1 Private Sessions
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Just $1.50/day
Balance Membership
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Access to recorded Empowered Flow classes, Functional Mobility, Meditation Sessions and Kids Yoga
2 new Empowered Flow classes monthly
30% discount on Handstand Training Program
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Only $0.83/day
Handstand Challenge
One Time Purchase, $30
30 days of recorded handstand tutorials
Each video (~10-20 minutes) features drills to improve strength, mobility and flexibility necessary for handstands AND a handstand variation-of-the-day
Personal support
Useful props for the drills: yoga blocks, yoga strap, socks, and foam roller
Consistent practice in any endeavor is the key to seeing progress. This challenge will keep you on track and accountable in your journey.